Friday, June 25, 2010

Integrating Management Systems Within The ISO 9001 Standards

Today’s free market economies increasingly encourage diverse sources of supply and provide opportunities for expanding markets. Fair competition needs to be based on identifiable, clearly defined common references that are recognised from one country to the next. A standard, internationally recognised, developed by consensus among trading partners, serves as the language of trade. The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has developed around 8?700, mostly technical related standards on this basis. Standards Series such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and what is to be known as ISO 18000 and ISO 26000 are Management related. These standards contain generic guidelines for Management Systems in the area of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety and Human Resources.

ISO is a word derived from the Greek isos, meaning “equal”. ISO 9000 Standards are developed and updated by the International Organisation for Standardisation which has around 150 member bodies. A member body of ISO is the national body “most representative of standardisation in its country”.(eg. Germany – DIN, USA – ANSI, Australia – SAA).
More than 50 countries, as well as the European Community have adopted ISO 9000 which is recognised internationally as a benchmark for measuring quality in a trade context. Since its first issue in 1987, approximately 430?000 companies have been using ISO 9000. Being a standard coming from an organisation that is usually involved in the development of technical standards, ISO 9000 is often regarded as a document that belongs in the hands of a technician exposed to production line quality control. At a closer look, however, ISO 9000 Standard Series provide guidance in the development and application of Management Systems as well as Quality Control in Manufacturing and Administration.

ISO has been developing a number of Management System Guidelines for various aspects of business. The most recent are the ISO 14000 Environmental Management System Guidelines. This is an international standard that will affect business in the near future. ISO 14000 has been designed to integrate with ISO 9000. However, apart from international standards there are local standards a company has to comply with. To remain compliant with local standards, further manuals and/or procedures are required (eg. lifting procedure in a warehouse to satisfy Work Safety requirements). A company may have several Manuals describing its Management Systems (eg. Human Resources, Quality, Security, Health/Safety, Finances). An overall link between the systems is often missing which makes the monitoring and the assessment of effectiveness difficult. Double handling of information, contradicting instructions, high maintenance costs, administrative excess and lack of overall transparency are common results.
ISO 9000 Standard Series for Quality (of) Management Systems provide generic guidance for the development of an overall Management System, ISO 14000 provides guidance for Environmental Management, etc. Transparency and monitoring of all business activities can be achieved by integrating all systems into one.
Complaints that ISO 9000 is paralysing operations and, that it does not reflect reality are usually a result of not clearly understanding how the standard can be properly structured to address the needs of a company. ISO 9000 can be structured by focusing on “best practice” process rather than the standard, by fitting the standard to the process and not the process to the standard. Having recognised this, ISO has been working on a new structure for ISO 9000, called “Vision 2000?, taking a process orientated approach to ensure that “best practice” as well as several standards can be addressed within one system. Focusing on process allows the development of a practical “working document”, providing an effective management tool. Having learned from the past, the trend to Process Orientated Management Systems started about three years ago in Europe and is finding increasing approval from certification bodies.Every company has its own culture and key individuals.
The business environment influences processes in certain ways (eg. employee market, laws, infrastructure, client, etc.)
To ensure competitiveness a company needs to ensure adequate flexibility in their system to effectively respond to changes in the business environment.
An effective system is a lean system that incorporates all necessary functions, controls of activities and “best practice” without being caught up in detail.
An effective system must also be flexible enough to enable the proper controls on outsourcing and sub-contracting of activities (eg. production, administration, service, etc.)

Quality Management System Preliminary Gap Analysis

Quality Management System Preliminary Gap Analysis

Decide on a number from 0 to 5 for each item below. The scoring criteria are given in a table at the end. 1 to 5 Make notes to explain your score for future reference.
1. Have you established, documented, implemented and now maintain a Quality Management System (QMS) to any system including ISO 9001?
2. Have you identified the processes needed for your QMS and
a. the sequence of your production and service delivery processes,

b. the criteria and methods needed to ensure the processes are effective, and3. Do you have

c. have the resources and the information you need to support the processes?

d. a Quality Manual including your Quality Policy and quality objectives, and

e. written procedures and work instructions?

4. Do your records provide evidence that your business processes are effective?6. Has your Top Management communicated the importance of meeting customer and other business requirements to all the employees?9. Are your quality objectives measurable?

5. Is your Top Management committed to the development and implementation of a new QMS (i.e. based on the 2008 version of ISO 9001)?

7. Has your Top Management made a commitment to ensure your customers’ requirements are top priority?

8. Do your quality objectives include requirements for production and delivery?

10. Have the responsibilities and authorities of managers and employees been defined and communicated to them?

11. Does your management have the drive and resources needed

a. to implement, and maintain a QMS and continually improve its effectiveness, and

b. to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements?

12. Does your organization have procedures to select competent personnel for work activities?

13. Does your organization provide training or take other action to help develop your people?

14. Does your organization provide adequate:

a. buildings, workspace and utilities,

b. process equipment, and

c. supporting services such as transport or communication?

15. When you receive a customer order do you review it for

a. requirements specified by the customer, including the delivery and post-delivery activities,

b. requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified use or known and intended use, and

c. statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product?

16. Do you inform your customers concerning

a. product information,

b. enquiries, contracts or order handling, including changes, and

c. channels for customer feedback and complaints?

17. Does your organization plan and control product design and development activities?

18. Does your organization maintain records of design or development review, verification and validation activities and resulting action?

19. Does your organization inspect or otherwise confirm that purchased products, materials, components and services conform to your specified purchase requirements?

20. Does your organization select suppliers depending on how important the purchased product is for production?

21. Does your organization evaluate suppliers (subcontractors or vendors) based on their ability to satisfy your requirements?

22. Do you ensure production has

a. the information that describes the characteristics of the product,

b. the necessary work instructions,

c. suitable equipment, and

d. the monitoring and measuring devices needed?

23. Does your organization regularly confirm that your production and service processes are capable of consistently meeting your requirements?

24. Are parts, components, subassemblies and products identified throughout production or service delivery?

25. Are monitoring and measurement requirements clearly shown with the status of the product?

26. Where traceability is a requirement, does production keep records of unique product identification?

27. Do you care for and protect customers’ property under your control or being used by your people?

28. Do you look after your product (including the parts or components) during both production and delivery to the customer, by providing suitable identification, packaging, storage, preservation and handling?

29. Do you have instructions needed to identify inspection or monitoring activities to be done during production or service delivery and the devices to be used?

30. Is your measuring equipment:

a. Calibrated or verified at specified intervals, or prior to use?

b. Adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary?

c. Identified to enable the calibration status to be determined?

d. Safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result?

e. Protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage?

31. Does your organization monitor customer information that shows you have satisfied customer requirements?

32. Does your organization conduct internal quality audits at planned intervals?

33. Does your organization use suitable methods to monitor and, where practical, measure the performance of your processes?

34. Does your organization inspect or measure the characteristics of finished products and record the results?

35. Does your organization identify nonconforming products and review them for disposition?

36. Does your organization collect and analyze data to assess the suitability and effectiveness of the QMS?

37. Does your organization use data to evaluate or identify where continual improvement of the QMS can be made?

38. Does your organization continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS?

39. Does your organization take corrective action to eliminate the causes of problems and to prevent their recurrence?

40. Does your organization determine and eliminate potential nonconformities in order to prevent their occurrence?

To score this table:

0 – You do not understand what is required or believe it is necessary

1 – Your organization does not perform this activity

2.- You understand this activity is a good thing to do but do not do it

3 – You do this sometimes

4 – You do this but not very well

5 – You do this quite well.

Add all the points together.

150 – 200

You are almost ready to complete your ISO 9001 QMS and apply for certification/


100 – 149

You are ready to implement the QMS. This will likely improve your business results.

0 – 99

You have a lot to do but should begin. You could consider seeking help from a

consultant or specialist.